Monday, September 9, 2013


Can I just tell you how much I love my little girl! She has been such a good baby. She is happy, eats good, and sleeps REALLY good! Every once in a while she has some stomach aches and can be a grouch, but those moments are few and far between. She really is a good baby. We truly have been spoiled! She is starting to show us more of her cute personality. She smiles and giggles lots! She is a little talker. She doesn't like to be left out of the conversation. She is growing so fast! She likes to sit up and see what is going on all around. No more cuddling for this baby, she is a big girl (at least that is what she thinks.) We love her so much. I've truly loved being a mom! I just hope our future children are as good as her!
1 month old!
Family photo! Look how tiny she is!
Jeff's first Father's Day!

2 months old!

Makenna's Blessing day!

4 Generations

My very talented mother made her dress and her shoes!

So for the first 2 months of Makenna's life she wouldn't sleep in her bassinet and she would only sleep in this bouncer chair. We spoiled her and we would put the chair on the bed in between me and Jeff.( I had a broken tailbone and it was painful to get in and out of bed to get her to feed her, this was easier for me.) We were so afraid that we started a terrible habit and we were never going to be able to transition her into the bassinet and then into the crib. Well one night she wouldn't sleep and she would scream when I put her into the chair. It was a very long night. After fighting her for about 2 hours I decided to just bring the bassinet back into our room and try that. I laid her down and she went right to sleep. We haven't had a problem since. This girl knows what she wants. 

This is how the cool kids swing. One leg over the edge. I try to fix her leg and she puts it right back. Funny girl!